Proflavanol C100 Tablets contains very extremely beneficial bioflavonoid and vitamin C supplement that are needed by the body. The bottle consists of 56 Tablets and is manufactured by USANA Health Sciences.

What are Proflavanol C100 Tablets?

With the aid of innovative and advanced Nutritional Hybrid Technology, 2 most popular Nutritionals of USANA, Poly C and Proflavanol are effectively combined to form a powerful pill known as Proflavanol C100.
The Proflavanol C100 Tablets are one of the best dietary supplements. The tablets have wide range of health benefits.

What is Nutritional Hybrid Technology?

These tablets are produced by the USANA’s most advanced Nutritional Hybrid Technology. The innovative technique features the process of bilayer tableting.  Bilayer tableting is the process of separation of many important ingredients into 2 specific tablet layers. The ingredients which are incompatible get combined in 1 tablet layer, whereas the key nutritional ingredients get highlighted in a distinct tablet layer.
It is a very advanced process that helps in forming the brilliant Proflavanol C100 Tablets that are extremely beneficial for the body.

What are the benefits of Proflavanol C100 Tablets?

Here are the following benefits of these tablets:
1.    These tablets are known mostly for promoting cardiovascular health to a huge extent. Consuming these tablets on a regular basis keeps the heart healthy.
2.    These tablets boost the immune function of the body.
3.    Since Vitamin C is essential for maintaining the health and synthesis of the connective tissues of the body, these tablets containing Vitamin C are of great help.
4.    The Proflavanol C100 Tablets also help to maintain eye health.
5.    If you consume these tablets on a daily basis, then you would be able to achieve younger-looking glowing skin.

Heart Health

The heart is the most hard-working organ in our body. It pumps around 2000 gallons of blood every day. Therefore, we need to provide this organ with the essential nutrients. People who have nutritional deficiencies get affected by major cardiovascular diseases. Proflavanol C100  are wonderful heart health supplements that keep our heart healthy. These tablets support healthy and normal functioning of the heart.

Immune Health

The most complex system of our body is the immune system. A diverse mix of cells, tissues, proteins and organs work in unison to provide body defense. Proflavanol C100 Tablets are amazing immune health supplements that keep our immune system healthy and prevent it from becoming weak.

Why should you consume Proflavanol C100 Tablets?

Apart from the several health benefits of these tablets, Proflavanol C100 Tablets are also known to provide longevity. The dietary supplement effectively combines high quality grape-seed extract with a free radical that maintains lifelong good health.
The ingredients of these tablets provide protection against oxidation of LDL (Low Density Lipoproteins).

Key Ingredients of Proflavanol C100 Tablets

The key ingredients are responsible for the huge beneficial properties of these tablets. Vitamin C and Grape Seed Extract are the key ingredients of these tablets. When Vitamin C and Grape-seed bioflavonoid work in unison, the body gets advanced antioxidant protection.
These tablets must be taken on a regular basis to promote the overall health of the body especially the cardiovascular and immune health.

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